Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cameron's 8th Birthday!!

We have had a very busy last month! Finally getting back in to the Blog to share all of our adventures and memories:)

Cameron is a bit like me when it comes to birthdays, you start to hear that it is coming a month before:) My little man turned 8 this year and as you have heard me say many times on this blog, where is the time going!! Jeff reminded me that in 8 more years Cameron will be driving, yikes!!! My little guy (not so little anymore) is growing up and while I look back on the years before I am loving all the moments we are making now. It is so fun to see how he changes year to year and his likes and dislikes. He loves all things sports, non-fiction books, video games:), school (yay) and bugging his sister (with love, right). He has moved up to 28% for weight and 65% for height! Those Cintel genes are great, we love them!! I love you Cameron! Happy Birthday!

We were lucky this year, Jeff had been in Miami all week for a press check and was delayed getting home. Thankfully he got home the night of Cameron's birthday so we got to celebrate as a family! Daddy also brought home some very special treats for Cameron!

Cameron is a big fan of the new champs!

Birthday Loot! Ashley even got a gator book from daddy's trip!

Cameron wanted to get his favorite food for dinner so we headed out for some Chinese! Orange Chicken is his go to!

Home for ice cream sundae's! Happy Birthday Cameron!

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